Food for Life Get Togethers: Plant and Share in Trowbridge

From May 8th – 15th, people living in the Trowbridge area of Cardiff will be able to take part in a brand new growing project led by the local Pantry.

The Pantry, based at the Trowbridge Community Centre, has been awarded a Food For Life Get Togethers grant to fund a project that brings together people of different ages from different backgrounds to strengthen and connect the community through growing, cooking and food sharing.

The Trowbridge ‘Grow, Share, Eat’ project is hoping to involve more than 100 families as the Pantry establishes itself within its local area. An initiative led by Bethania Church, Eastern High School and CAST (Coronavirus Action St Mellons and Trowbridge), the Pantry is part of the Your Local Pantry network – helping to create a sustainable and long-term solution to food poverty.

This particular project in Trowbridge is part of the Food For Life Get Togethers Plant and Share Month, a campaign that’s calling on people across the UK to grow and share produce with their local communities 19th April- 19th May.e Get Togethers and the its Plant and Share Month, please visit the Food For Life Get Togethers website.

“In addition to starting the Pantry, I’m also really keen to encourage and support local people who want to have a go at growing their own food, whether it’s in their garden or on their window sill,” says Jude Thoburn-Price, Manager of the Trowbridge Pantry.

“The grant we’ve received from Food For Life Get Togethers will allow me to grow the seeds in seed trays and then make little bundles of seedlings to give out to members of the local community, along with information about how to care for the seedlings.

“People will be given a selection of seedlings to try and grow at home. The aim is that we encourage the community – people of all ages – to get involved. And as the plants grow, people can share and delight in their new-found gardening skills and of course, taste the wonderful produce,” adds Jude.

“Those taking part will also benefit from support to grow their own good food and we’ll also be sharing recipes about how to cook with the produce and encouraging people to share any surplus produce with the wider community.”

Louise Shute, Food for Life Get Togethers Programme Manager in Wales says she is delighted that the Trowbridge community is joining in with Plant and Share Month and is keen to encourage communities across Wales to take part.

“Whether you’re growing in yoghurt pots for the first time or you’re a seasoned grower with an allotment, Plant and Share Month is for you,” says Louise. “You can either take part in the activities led by Jude in Trowbridge or have a go yourself – it’s really easy to get involved. You need to plant your seeds, share the seedlings or produce and tell us who you shared them with on Facebook or Twitter using #FFLGetTogethers.

“Food for Life Get Togethers have plenty of resources to get you potting. Register here to get access to them all! You can also take part in our free online training to boost your skills, download your Plant and Share Toolkit, and join our digital community to swap tips and ideas.”

If you’d like to know more about Food For Life Get Togethers and the its Plant and Share Month, please visit the Food For Life Get Togethers website.